Monday, January 6, 2020

UFO Monday - 1st UFO Finish for 2020.

 Wow I can't believe that I have managed to finish a UFO already this year. I found a pile of 6.5 inch squares cut from beautiful oriental fabric. The fabric was from our Scquilters Bendigo retreat in 2007 and the gold outlines on most of the fabric gives it a lovely feature. I had already started to join some of the squares together quite a few years ago and then the project stalled.
As the fabric was so pretty I decided to just continue joining the squares together and although there's not a lot of contrast between all of the squares, it still looks lovely. This one had already been promised to be donated to the Peter Mac auxiliary shop but I have lots more squares ready and can make another one for the OCQ bushfire quilt appeal.
 I have more UFOs ready to be worked on and hope to have another finish soon. In the meantime I will be crocheting squares and finishing off more quilts from QAYG blocks. Sorry the photos aren't very clear but we have quite a lot of smoke here even though we're a long way from the fires.
Hugs, Jan Mac