Bev Slater from New Zealand also sent 4 lovely QAYG blocks made in kid's prints and they are lovely and bright.

There were also 3 large boxes of QAYG blocks delivered from Dru Ketchion and the Stitch'n Sistas who managed to make 9 sets of 35 blocks and binding to join them together. There's only 12 in the group but they have been very busy to get so many made. They also received donations of fabric and batting from patchwork shops- Two Mad Cows in Moe and Maggie Robertson Designs in Traralgon.
These blocks will make many lovely quilts and I'll be getting them finished ASAP. I also received an email from Ana in Portugal and she is requesting QAYG blocks to be made into quilts for Christchurch New Zealand. Cat from Catalina's Cottage is working with me to get finished quilts delivered to the earthquake survivors in Christchurch as well and she is also asking for QAYG blocks. We're just waiting for final details of transport to New Zealand but I am also happy to receive finished quilts and will get them to either Qld or New Zealand.
I have a lot of boxes to pack tomorrow as I am sending another shipment of quilts to Emerald this weekend. I'm also working on quilts for New Zealand and I want my NZ readers to know that you haven't been forgotten. It's time for my paid job today and I'd rather be quilting but it helps to pay for the donations and postage and I've already would my bobbins for tomorrow's quilting adventures.
Thank you all for your interest and support.
Hugs Jan Mac

Excuse me - did you say the Dixie Chicks sent you quilt blocks???? Did I read that right??? wow..
Well yes and no. The Dixie Chicks did make and send blocks but they aren't the music group, the Dixie chicks. LOL
Hugs Jan Mac
You are amazing! I have a horse named Dixie Chick - and I LOVE her!
Hi Jan
I love these quilts being a fan of QAYG and was hoping to start doing this with all my friends and friends etc here for the victims of the Christchurch earthquake.
Do you mind?
Hi Jan
Would you mind me using your idea for a new zealand group for the Christchurch earthquake.
I think you are amazing in what you are doing and the quilts are so lovely.
(love the Dixie Chicks too)
Hi Vikki, Thanks for asking about the blocks. I'm more than happy for you to use the idea for making quilts to donate. I'm also sending finished quilts over to NZ and Cat from Catalina's Cottage is arranging distribution. We can all make a difference one quilt at a time. I'd love you to share any photos of your progress so I can show them on my blog. Good luck with it and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Love Jan Mac
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