Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Productive Week.

I seemed to have had more time for quilting during the week and managed to finish 7 donated quilt tops. Lots of people will enjoy their warm hugs and comfort. 

Many thanks everyone for your generous support. 

 Hugs, Jan Mac xx 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Lots Of Donations.

Margo Barber from Tasmania has sent another large parcel containing a beautifully made QAYG quilt as well as 2 beautiful crocheted blankets. 
Jill Khong has donated 40 lovely Santa Sacks as well as 57 teddy bears with custom made jumpers. 

Jill also delivered 32 teddy bears with custom made jumpers from Lucy Peacock. 

June Wilson also delivered more lovely knitted and crocheted items from the Boronia Retirement Village.  They've been very busy and donated 2 more crocheted blankets,  as well as lots of knitted teddies,  beanies, scarves and fingerless gloves. 

 Many thanks everyone for your generous support and donations. 

Hugs, Jan Mac xx 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Many Thanks to the Sale Quilters

These 11 fabulous quilts have been made and donated by Pat and Liz from the Sale Maffra Primary Patchworkers.  Sharon Barnes very kindly couriered them to me.

The organisations we support will be thrilled to distribute these fabulous quilts to give warm hugs to children in need. Many thanks ladies for your generous support. 

Hugs, Jan Mac xx  

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

A Belated Weekly Wrap.

I only finished 2 quilts this week because I was busy crocheting smaller blankets together to make larger ones. I combine 4 small blankets for each one and made 7 large blankets. 

The pink top was donated and I  quilted and finished it.

This quilt was made from squares that I had cut from donated obsolete uniforms from Ambulance Victoria and I combined them with squares cut from kits themed fabric.
I have more tops basted and ready to quilt and hope to get more finishes soon.

Hugs, Jan Mac xx  

Monday, February 24, 2025

Comings and Goings.

We've just donated another 12 quilts to SECASA and Norma Aitken very kindly couriered them for me. 

Cathy Bruton and the Inverloch Chatty Crafters have donated another large number of items including 63 soap pouches,  2 pair of slippers, 8 pair of undies,  1 pair of pyjamas,  2 t shirts, 1 board shorts, 1 tote bag, 57 drawstring bags, 28 Santa Sacks,  5 pack of socks,  4 pencil cases,  5 packs of coloured pencils,  3 pencil sharpeners,  4 exercise books,  and 1 painting set.  Pam Neenan very kindly couriered them to Backpacks 4 Vic Kids .

Many thanks everyone for your generous donations. 

Hugs, Jan Mac xx 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Many Thanks Eileen.

More arrivals today with Eileen Nash very generously donating another 32 crocheted blankets,  5 knitted beanies, a large bag of new books and a large bag of toys.

Vicki Tootell donated some lovely "Emma" fabric.
Kaye Hardman donated a large box of pencils and also delivered 9 teddy bears donated by Janet Kidson and their custom made jumpers were made by Sally S.

 Many thanks everyone. 

Hugs, Jan Mac xx 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Lots of Arrivals.

Annette Pascoe donated another 9 teddy bears which will be dressed in custom made jumpers before they're distributed.
Beverley Brooks has delivered another car load of wonderful donations which will soon be distributed to people in need. Yvonne Hay made the fabulous quilt and the Machine Knitters of Victoria donated4 boxes of beautifully knitted and crocheted items. They donated 21 pair of booties, 16 beanies, 6 pair of socks, 5 warm scarves, 4 blankets, 1 jacket, 1 child's jumper, 1 baby's jacket, 3 knitted teddy bears, 2 baby's blankets, 1 beanie and mittens set, and 3 beanies and scarf sets.
P. Knop donated 10 pair of booties and 2 beanies, and Sylvia Grollman donated 16 drawstring bags. Agnes donated a large filled tub of many knitted and crocheted toys, headbands and finger puppet.
Valerie Pell donated 43 drawstring bags and Irene Ashcroft donated 39 small tote bags, 11 large tote bags and 20 drawstring bags.
Beverley Brooks has donated another beautifully knitted toddler's jumper, 12 drawstring bags, 11 extra large drawstring bags, 6 large tote bags and 27 small tote bags.
Many thanks Beverley for acting as courier and delivering so many donations to me. They will soon be packed and distributed to organisations we support.
Many thanks everyone for your generous donations. Xx

Hugs, Jan Mac xx