Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Our Special Family Celebration.

 I hadn't intended to be quiet for so long but Blogger have changed their format and I was unable to access the photos on my iPad. I usually use the iPad for my blog and I also had trouble accessing my blog. I hate changes and I'm still not sure how to access photos etc but did manage to upload these from my camera. I even contemplated starting a new blog as nothing seemed to work.
  Anyway I have been able to post a blog now and will see what happens. We had a lovely day celebrating our youngest DD's wedding to her beloved. Luckily it didn't rain although it was cold when the wind picked up later in the afternoon. Stephanie is a primary school teacher and some of her students asked to attend the ceremony and were very excited to be there.

 Stephanie loves fairy lights and it was a lovely venue at Killara Estates in Silvan, overlooking the vineyards for the recaption.
It was a very emotional day and we feel very blessed to have Paul become part of our family as we regard him as a son. It was a very special day but over far too quickly. I did have some photos of quilts but can't access them so will try to get back into blogging and sort out what to do about photos.
It's good to be back.
 Hugs, Jan Mac

Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Special Day.

Yesterday our youngest daughter, Stephanie, married the love of her life, Paul. It was such an emotional day with their heartfelt vows and speeches of support. They are such a lovely couple and I hope to share some photos soon. Unfortunately Picasa Web Albums has changed to Google Photos and I haven't been able to work out how to load my photos with the new system.
     If you want to see some of the photos you can see them on Facebook at Love by Shae.
I hope to resume normal transmission soon. That is, as soon as I catch up on sleep and housework.
Hugs, Jan Mac

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Busy Times.

 I spent most of last week in Melbourne doing prep for the upcoming wedding, spending time with my beautiful daughter and her fiancé and attending the Hen's party. We also shopped for lots of last minute wedding things. Then back home to work nights again.
    Tomorrow I need to hem two bridesmaid's dresses and we are still waiting for the correct dress to arrive for the Matron of Honour, so I can see I will be busy right up until the 13th. I'm off to Melbourne again Friday, then back to work Saturday night, recover and then back to Melbourne again for the final preparations. Oh and DD's fiance's brother and his wife have just had their first baby so DD decided to make a special quilt before the wedding so I've been busy cutting fabric for her to sew.  We will finish that next week too. Nothing like a busy time to take on more tasks. Lol
      I'm going to enjoy these times together as the wedding day will go very quickly. In the meantime I don't expect much quilting to happen but I have pin basted a donation top in case I can grab a few spare minutes for a finish.
Hugs, Jan Mac