Saturday, January 4, 2020

Oz Comfort Quilts Bushfire Quilt Drive.

I've given this a lot of thought and I have decided to run another quilt drive for those affected by bushfires in Australia. I've been running these drives almost every year if I have contacts living in the affected areas who can distribute the quilts where needed and I have family and some friends living in and near the affected areas of East Gippsland and Southern New South Wales who will help with distribution.  The largest quilt drive we've run was 2,300 quilts distributed to the residents of Kinglake whose town was decimated by fire in 2009 with 77 deaths. The huge amount of quilts we distributed was only possible due to the very generous donations of quilts, tops and QAYG blocks by quilters both here and from a large number of international quilters . I don't expect to be able to distribute that many again but any we can donate will bring comfort to those who have lost everything.
       If you are able to donate even a few QAYG blocks that will help me make many quilts by combining them, without incuring huge postal costs. People are still in the survival stage and not ready to receive quilts yet but as 1,300 homes have been lost so far,  the need will be great and I have started making quilts already so I have some on hand when distribution is appropriate .
   The QAYG blocks are 10.5 inches square and you can use batting scraps as well as fabric scraps. I will post another reminder on how to make them if you are interested. If you want to send any tops for me to quilt and donate, it would be a huge help if you were able to send backing, but it's not essential.
     There is also a need for crocheted blankets so if you want to send Granny Squares made from 8ply yarn and with 10 rounds of crochet, they would also be very useful for getting more blankets finished to donate.
     I'm so sorry to ask for help with another quilt project but the need is so great, with so many communities being affected, especially in more remote areas, and I really felt I should try to do something to help. There's been a lot of anger, most likely stemming from fear as people say they felt they were abandoned, whereas so many small, isolated towns needed fire trucks that resources weren't available everywhere they were needed. I'm hoping that receiving handmade quilts and blankets will remind them that we are thinking of them.
   I know there are many groups of quilters who will be making and donating quilts if they live near affected areas and I encourage you to support them if that is more convenient. Please email me for my mailing address and if you have any questions.
  Tomorrow  I'll share some photos of the quilts I've been making this week and I'm praying that we finally get some rain so the fires can be extinguished before more lives and homes are lost.
Stay safe everyone.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


ButterZ said...



Maria said...

Good work getting the quilts to the folk who need them Jan...
Will pop some QAYG blocks in the post next week...

Linda said...

Jan, you are such a lovely kind lady. The current fires are simply horrendous, here in the UK we can only watch TV and feel frightened for all those poor people in the path of those ferocious fires. I’m praying for your country . I will certainly make some QAYG blocks. I love making them and your goal is awesome. God bless you and all those in such dire straights.

Dorothy said...

Jan , Can I have an address to send or drop the quilts off/ to.

LuisaG said...

Jan I have tried sending an email but I must have the wrong address as it was undeliverable. Wanting to know if there is anything specific needed quiltwise, and an address to send it to

KatieQ said...

I would love to make some blocks, but I have never tried QAYG. Can you recommend a good tutorial?

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Bless you for your generosity, I'm sure those affected will be grateful for the lovely gift. Sending you a donation.

Anonymous said...

Are you taking quilts etc at the moment? I have 3 quilt tops that I would like to donate . Vicki A.