We had a lovely view of the sun setting over our makeshift campsite as most people who attended camped at the foot of the sand hills and they provided portable toilets for campers.
Our camp was at the base of Big Red.
The audience gathering. The concert started at 5.30pm before the sun went down and we could see lots of kids playing in the sand hill and rolling down its slopes while John sang.
earlier that week we had spent a few days out at Big Red watching the 4 WD's making their way across from the Simpson Desert. Big Red is the last, and largest, sandhill before you reach Birdsville. Many attempst are made by most drivers while they battle soft sand. Tyre pressure is the key to reaching the top and we have made it successfully every time so far.
Corellas adorn the bare trees at the foot of Big Red. They look like blossoms and John W. has written a song about them which was inspired by a previous visit.
Hugs and thanks for stopping by. I hope to resiume normal transmission soon.
Jan Mac
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