Saturday, October 5, 2019

Leukaemia Fundraiser

 Today was a special day when I attended a fundraising event to raise money for leukaemia research. It was organized by Carol of Sewn and Quilted and held in honour if Di Ford Hall who was diagnosed with a rare form if leukaemia about 18 months ago. Di has been a very influential quilter, running classes in her shop for years,  as well as writing 2 books for Quiltmania, and now designing fabric for Andover. It was a testament to Di that 300 quilters attended and $40,000 was raised.
 Jen Kingwell of Amitie Textiles, was the very entertaining guest speaker and she shared her quilting journey, starting with classes from Di, to where she is today,  designing fabric and writing a patchwork book. Jen shared her beautiful quilts with us and discussed how they progressed from an idea to a fjnished quilt.
 There was also an exhibition of quilts from Di's group, the Secret Sisterhood of Stitch and their book, Labours of Love. The quilts were reproductions of Jane Lury's fabulous of antique quilts and they were all masterpieces.
 I came home extremely tired but inspired to keep making donation quilts as they do bring comfort where they are donated. I was lucky enough to speak with a gentleman who has been living with leukaemia for 9 years and he said some days are just overwhelming tiring and that lying on the couch under a quilt anonymously donated lifts the spirit in ways that would only be understood by those undergoing similar challenges.  It was very heartwarming to hear that our quilts do make such a difference so I came home and pinned another donated top ready for quilting tomorrow.
I also received this lovely card from the Peter Mac auxiliary shop thanking us for all the items we have donated for sale and to raise funds for patients.
     Tomorrow I am planning on more quilting and boxing up quilts for the next delivery to Peter Mac. I haven't counted them yet and hope to have 20 before I deliver them so I'd better get busy if there aren't 20 finished and ready yet.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. What a lovely outing and beautiful quilts.
    How nice to chat to the gentleman and get some fed back on donation quilts.
    Beautiful card Jan.

  2. I'm sure all your hard work is much appreciated. The fundraising evening looked like a wonderful event.
