Sunday, October 6, 2019

Weekly Catch Up and 27th UFO Finish.

 This Bargello quilt was my 27th UFO finish for the year and it will be donated to Peter Mac. It's in lovely bright colours and will brighten any room and warm every heart.
 This was another donated top and it's a lovely I Spy which will be lots of fun for a child.
This lovely quilt in greens and brown was a donated top which I made a bit smaller and the leftovers will be used to make another quilt when I make more blocks. I also packed up the quilts I have on hand and there are 24 already finished for Peter Mac so I should be able to drop off 25 this week which will create some more room. Today was very productive with lots of tops being pinned and backings made so I will have more to share soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

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