Tuesday, October 1, 2019

26th UFO Finish.

 What a difference it made to use a pretty lemon fabric for alternate blocks and the striped border fabric looks better than the plain darker blue that I was initially going to use.
Once I made the decision to use alternate lemon blocks it was a fairly quick process to put it together and get it finished.  This is my 26th UFO finish for the year and a larger project, so I'm really happy with my decision to finish off UFOs this year. There's still plenty of mine , as well as donated UFOs from others, to finish so I can see that I will have plenty to continue on with next year. As they will donated too it will help to keep the donated quilts reaching where they are needed.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes the yellow blocks and strippy border really make the quilt....
