Monday, September 30, 2019

UFO Monday.

 While I'm excavating my sewing room again I'm finding more UFOs to finish and it's great to finally get lots of these finished and ready to be donated. This lovely Bargello top was donated at least 10 years ago and sat waiting to be finished. It's long and narrow so I cut some off to make the proportions better.
 Then I added borders and it is ready for basting and quilting so hopefully it will be finished by next week.
 These donated blocks are also probably 10 years or so in age and I think they were from an on line swap. I tried a few ideas, including adding sashing but I didn't have suitable fabric and it would still have been a small quilt but not really suitable for a child.
 I found this pretty lemon fabric in the boxes that Joan G. donated and it made a softer alternate block as well as making the top large enough for an adult.
I found this pretty blue and yellow striped fabric in my stash and yesterday I pin basted the top ready for quilting. The quilting was finished tonight so I  will share the finished UFO tomorrow when I can get better light for photos. I still have a few more UFOs I'm currently working on and I am trying to work on long term UFOs as well as those which don't need as much work, so I can still see that I'm progressing through them. I'm aiming to have at least 30 UFOs finished for the year and, as most will be donated my pile of quilts ready to donate to Peter Mac is growing.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Two lovely quilts, you’re on a roll with those UFOs. Love the cups and saucers quilt. Lucky you had the yellow fabric and the great striped one. Just made for those blocks.

  2. You have done a wonderful job on those "old" blocks and tops. I especially like the tea cup quilt, looks so much better with the alternate blocks and stripes.
