Thursday, July 5, 2018

Quilt Finishes.

 We had our quilt group meeting on Monday and I took along 14 quilts that I had fonated for our Gift Quilt program. These 5 were some I finished last week. It's lovely to know that people who receive them will be warmer now that our winter is here. Our members are busy using their stashes of fabric and have donated many lovely tops so I can see that I will be busy getting more finished in the future.

We have enough to donate 20 more each to Anglicare, who help kids in foster cacre, as well as patients in the Peter Mac Cancer Centre.  It's always great to be able to use some of the fabrics that have been waiting for quilt projects and I am grateful that I can usually find fabrics for bindings etc from my own stash. The fabric stash doesn't seem to be diminishing in size but I have been donating so many of my quilts for Oz Comfort Quilts that I must be making a difference to the storage boxes of fabric.
     We are child free this week as it's school holidays so although I am getting more done, we are missing little Jake.
Hugs, Jan Mac