Saturday, July 7, 2018

More Progress.

 This week I have been unpacking more boxes and searching for more of my WIPs and UFOs. I still haven't found the 2 tops I want to quilt and enter in my quilting group's exhibition but I did find some more UFOs I had forgotten about. I also more donated tops so got 2 more quilted this week.
      It's very satisfying to finally get them finished and donated where they will be appreciated. The first one is a cheater panel and will go to Anglicare while the 2nd will be ideal for a boy at the Peter Mac Cancer Centre.
 My stash is also constantly being raided for borders and bindings and it's great to be able to find what I want without wasting time at the shops. It's school holidays here for 2 weeks so we are not babysitting full time and trying to catch up on getting the boxes etc more organized, but we are missing seeing Jake every day.
  I'd better get back to quilting while I have time.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Couple of great finds .. Both quilts will put a smile one the recipients faces..
