Wednesday, June 27, 2018

20 Minutes At A Time.

 I'm making good use of my time to get quilting done at the weekends as well as even 20 minutes at a time. As well as getting the housework done, it's surprising how much you can achieve in spare minutes.
   The first 2 quilts were made for Peter Mac Cancer Centre, from donated QAYG blicks and a donated top.
 The last 3 quilts were all quilted for AQA, my quilting group as these will go to Anglicare for children in Foster Care, as part of our Gift Quilt program. I've also been finding lots of larger pieces of fabric in my stash and they have been very handy for making quilt backings. I have more tops ready to pin baste and then quilt so I plan to have more to share soon.

I hope you are all getting plenty of time for your creative past-times too.
Hugs, Jan Mac. 

1 comment:

  1. More great quilts from a variety of sources. You and your band of helpers create so many lovely quilts for donation. Well done to all.
