Sunday, October 9, 2016

I'm Back With Giggleswick Mill

 I'm so sorry to have been absent for so long as changes to photos on Picasa Albums has meant I've been unable to load photos from my iPad and then I was unable to access my blog at all. I was seriously considering starting a completely new blog but I also didn't want to lose all my blog posts from the past. I'll have to see if I can use my iPad for future posts, otherwise I won't be able to update my blog when I'm traveling.
 We've been house sitting in Melbourne while our DD and her husband were on their honeymoon so I didn't have access to my computer while we were away and I have done some lovely quilty things so I have lots to share.
   Just after the wedding I took a day class in Broderie Perse with Di Ford Hall, using her new design she's making using her new fabric line, Giggleswick Mill. I had lots of fabric from her previous line, and I like to have my quilts look a bit different so I used her previous fabric line and made up my own design for the central block. I also used some other floral fabric which was in the same colour tones as Di's fabric. I hadn't tried broderie perse before but I found it to be very freeing and I think it's something you just need to practice to gain confidence. I lightly glued the pieces in place and now have to stitch them down using needle turn applique.
   Of course I've done nothing to it since so I hope the pieces have stayed in place. Anyway it's great to be back as I've missed writing my blog and staying in touch with all the blog readers. I hope I can get the blog problems sorted for the iPad but at least I can use the main computer.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. You've been missed, I'm glad you're back to blogging:)

  2. Oh so good to see you back. Linda and I were so concerned. We have even had someone ask about you at Castlemaine day yesterday....
    I was having trouble too with photos and the iPad. Got it sorted now. Through Google I have to add and upload photos from iPad folder. Then they show up in picasa and I'm good to go.

  3. We were told you might be overseas. Good to see you are back here. I was having trouble too.
    Through Google I have to add and upload my photos from iPad folder. Then they show up in picasa.

  4. Delighted that you are back, Jan. I was really concerned about you - Even got my lovely Australian quilt buddy Jo to sleuth on my behalf!
    I am hopeless with these computer technical things and have a very old fashioned convoluted way of uploading photos which is very hit and miss.

  5. Glad to see you back Jan. I'm loving your version of Di's quilt. Looks as though you're a broderie perse expert already!

  6. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments and your welcome back.

  7. I,m glad your blogging again ,I missed it .beautifull brodery perse Jan ,love the design.
    hugs Marijke

  8. Has anyone making the Giggleswick quilt had problems with the pattern for the perfect pieced triangle baskets?
