Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Our Special Family Celebration.

 I hadn't intended to be quiet for so long but Blogger have changed their format and I was unable to access the photos on my iPad. I usually use the iPad for my blog and I also had trouble accessing my blog. I hate changes and I'm still not sure how to access photos etc but did manage to upload these from my camera. I even contemplated starting a new blog as nothing seemed to work.
  Anyway I have been able to post a blog now and will see what happens. We had a lovely day celebrating our youngest DD's wedding to her beloved. Luckily it didn't rain although it was cold when the wind picked up later in the afternoon. Stephanie is a primary school teacher and some of her students asked to attend the ceremony and were very excited to be there.

 Stephanie loves fairy lights and it was a lovely venue at Killara Estates in Silvan, overlooking the vineyards for the recaption.
It was a very emotional day and we feel very blessed to have Paul become part of our family as we regard him as a son. It was a very special day but over far too quickly. I did have some photos of quilts but can't access them so will try to get back into blogging and sort out what to do about photos.
It's good to be back.
 Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Love the colour of the cake. What a lovely day.
    I'm having the same trouble with my photos and iPad too... Frustrating

  2. What beautiful photos. Your daughter is beautiful - really lovely bride with a handsome groom. Yes, I know what you mean about the day passing too quickly. I felt exactly the same when our DD got married. And I understand your frustrations with techie changes. They drive me nuts! Good luck with accessing all your other wedding and quilt photos. Love th blue of the bridesmaids's dresses.

  3. Beautiful photos of what was surely a beautiful evening.

  4. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos of your DD special day.. She looked gorgeous....

    I have always had trouble blogging on my iPad sew usually use the big computer...

  5. Your daughter is a stunning bride. Wishing them every happiness for the future.

  6. I give you credit for persevering on getting your blog post up. I skip my ipad for that because it's never wanted to work properly. You daughter's wedding looked lovely and she looked very happy. What more could a mother want? Good luck with you next blog post!

  7. Missing your blog posts! Is everything OK?

  8. Hi Jan. Have you sorted things out. Haven't heard or seen from you in a whole. Hoping things are ok.
