Monday, October 10, 2016

Getting Ready for Christmas

 It's good to be back blogging and since I've been home I've been busy getting more tops finished to be donated as gifts to domestic violence survivors for Christmas.
 This lovely little top was donated and the fabrics are really lovely. I love how the quilter has used pink and pale green for the outer border. Possibly she ran out of pink but it  makes it an even prettier quilt.
 I also finished another QAYG quilt from donated blocks so if you look closely you might see some you have made and donated.
Many thanks for your help with these quilt projects. Christmas will be here before we know it and while I'm tidying,. I'm also getting some more tops finished to donate. The pretty little quilt will delight a child but also bring joy to the mother as she wraps her little one in such a pretty gift.
Hugs, Jan Mac
 PS I am still trying to sell my quilting machine and frame and the price is now down to $2,000. If I don't get any interest I will dump the machine and just take the table as DH would like it for storage when we move. He plans to cut it in half to make it easier to shift.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way the quilter split the pink/green border - so clever and effective. It adds another dimension to the quilt. Well done, Jan for cracking on with your donation quilts.
