Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Week Of Rest

 Thank you all so much for your lovely words of support. I've been very good and have had a week of rest, just sleeping a lot, some reading and some knitting. I found this little baby jumper which just needed the neckband to be finished and then sewn up so that was an easy UFO to complete. DH has been making sure that I don't do too much and I really haven't been well enough to sew or even spend time at the computer, but today I'm starting to feel normal again. I have posted off a box of crocheted blankets to a group which helps the homeless in Melbourne and I have another box packed and ready to post off with quilts and toiletries as there is a Homeless Connect Day being held in Melbourne in mid April.
 The generous donations have continued with two huge parcels of wool being sent by Kathleen Appleton (Vic) as well as more lovely QAYG blocks and binding strips made and donated by Delys Rogers (WA). I also made two more bags from tops and I have found a sweater I knitted Ray in the 1980s and which is so out of fashion now that I am taking it with me to Tasmania to unpick it and re-use the wool for more crocheted blankets. I will still be resting while we are away but I will be crocheting more squares so I stay awake while we are driving. Luckily I can crochet without needing to watch what I am doing too much so I won't get car-sick.
 You have to admit I am providing a service to the community to deconstruct the sweater Lol. I am still waiting for the pathology results but hope to hear good news tomorrow. I am feeling like doing a bit of spring cleaning so I must be feeling better!
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to have more to show very soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac
****Dr just rang to say that he is confident that he removed all the cancer cells and I don't need a check-up for another 5 months.  Many thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.


  1. So glad you got good news, take care.

  2. What a fabulous news Jan.. Take good care of yourself...Knitting and unpicking is good for you..
    I have a parcel ready to send.. Should I wait til you return from Tassie?????

  3. O happy news! You don't need to undo the sweater. You need to save it for it's revival. It seems that the saying "you can't keep a good woman down" is so true about you. Happy holidaying. Cherrie

  4. Good to hear the good news. The baby jacket is really sweet!

  5. Very good news Jan, now you can relax and enjoy. Hugs...

  6. Jan I am so happy for you - what a relief. Now you can relax and enjoy your time in Tasmania.
    I posted a notice on a forum about you taking quilts to Tassie for the fire victims, explaining that the person I was originally going to send them to couldn't offer any help after all. Some of the ladies who were going to send tops to me will now be sending them to you, hope you don't mind the extra work! I also explained to this forum that you actually distributed quilts etc. elsewhere that they were needed, so if their tops don't end up in Tassie, I don't think they will mind.

  7. Great news Jan, take care and spend some time doing something for yourself.

  8. So pleased to hear you are feeling much brighter and that your Doctor is happy with your results. Well done! Glad you managed to retrain yourself and rest a little. Not surprised your fingers itched to knit and crochet though. Have a great trip to Tasmania.

  9. Thank you all for your lovely comments. I'm really going to enjoy Tasmania but I'm also very keen to get back into production of more donation quilts. In the meantime I'll be making more crocheted blankets while we travel.DH is happy that I will be resting for longer while we are away too. Hugs, Jan

  10. Maria, you can send the parcel when it suits you as our mail is being collected. Thanks for your ongoing help. Cherrie, the sweater reminds me of those worn by Bill Cosby on The Cosby Show. Don't know why we thought they looked good lol.
    Gina, no problem with the ladies sending me tops as the need is ongoing.
    Hugs, Jan

  11. Hi hope you safely received my parcel of QAYG blocks from Kenilworth in the UK. I so enjoyed making them. Horrified to learn our parcel charges are going up again soon so it may be too expensive to do again. Which is a pity.

  12. Linda, Your parcel of lovely blocks arrived safely today. Thank you so much for your generous donation.
    Hugs, Jan Mac
