Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Difficult Week

It started off well with a visit to my Melbourne quilting group, AQA, where we were treated to a lovely talk and showing of the Chester Criswell Quilt by Sharon Barnes.
 We returned home that afternoon so I could sleep as I had two night shifts to work. I didn't work the second night as I had surgery yesterday. It was a very long day but I'm thankful that it's over and I'm home again. I had an appointment with a gynaecologist last Thursday as I had an abnormally high reading of abnormal cervical cells on my last Pap smear. He did a cone biopsy and hopes that a hysterectomy won't be necessary as he thinks he was able to remove the pre-cancer cells with the extensive biospy but next week should give the answers.
  I've done nothing but lie down all day as they warned me to rest up for a week as I will feel like I've been "hit by a truck". It's very unusual not to take a stitch of sewing but I'm just not up to it yet. I also want to write and share about Sharon's beautiful antique quilt but I'll wait until I feel up to it. In the meantime don't forget to have your pap smears regularly. I've never had an abnormal reading so it was a bit of a shock for the family but I'm sure all will be well.
 Thanks for stopping by again and I hope to be back to normal very soon but DH has asked me to slow down with the donation quilts and rest up for a while. He took my Dad to the Dr and to do his shopping today, bless him, so I'll have to heed his suggestion too for a while.
Hugs, Jan Mac
 PS The fabric I showed above is one I've been thinking of using as a border for my next applique quilt.


  1. Look after yourself and take care Jan, thinking of you. Love Jenni

  2. Not so good Jan, I hope everything resolves happily and healthfully. It was so nice to meet you at last on Monday.

  3. I hope everything turns out well. I'll be thinking of you.

  4. O dear. No good at all. You must definitely rest up. You are too precious to your family. Cherrie

  5. Oh Jan do take good care of yourself, i'd come by with chicken soup if i was any closer to you. I do hope it all resolves well, will be thinking of you next week.

  6. Get well soon Jan and take good care of yourself.

  7. Good for you for keeping up your tests on a regular basis and listenting to the doctors and DH orders! Take care of yourself, the quilts will wait! Fingers crossed for a good result.

  8. Just take care and rest. The quilts will wait. All good wishes.

  9. Take care and speedy recovery to you Jan

  10. Look after yourself, Jan and do have a good rest. Sending you positive vibes

  11. Look after yourself, Jan. Sending positive vibes to you.

  12. Hope all goes well Jan. It's good to hear that you're having a rest!

  13. Oh Jan, what an awful shock. I have the pap smear as soon as I get the reminder my doc sends out every two years and so far I've been lucky. I do hope your surgeon has cleared up the pre-cancer cells completely. As the other girls here have said, we don't want to lose you {{hugs}}.
    Your hubby should not just ask, but INSIST you slow down on the donation quilts! You work way too hard, making the rest of us feel guilty, so give us all a little break, lol!
    I've also slowed down my craft work (and done NO housework for weeks) due to chronic back and neck pain, but fortunately I have an excellent chiropractor and acupuncturist nearby who have both done heaps to help me feel better.

  14. If anyone in the world deserves a rest it is you girl ! Now do as you are told... there is a retreat coming up soon that we would like you to attend.
    Feet up, ipad/ipone in hand and start cruising everyone elses blogs and you will soon see how much an over-achiever you are.

  15. Wishing you all the best. God bless.
