Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday's Mail

 The postman has been very busy again with two more parcels arriving today. Linda Ashworth sent 20 lovely QAYG blocks as well as some pinwheel blocks, all the way from the UK. They will make some lovely quilts to donate and I'll be finishing them off when we return from our travels.
   I also received a lovely pinwheel top from Elizabeth Murray of Qld. She is a friend of Gina's, who is one my blog readers, and she has asked me to finish the top and donate it on her behalf. so I'll quilt it when we return too.
    I have found that I need a bit more rest as too much activity has meant that I'm not recovering as quickly as I was so Ray is making sure that I rest up and I plan on taking it easy while we are away. I doubt that I'll even take my sewing and just work on crocheting more blankets while we are away.
  I hope to show some photos of our travels if we have internet access so there may not be much quilting to share but there should be some photos of the beautiful island of Tasmania. I'm looking forward to catching up with Julie, my travel buddy to Houston, and seeing her beautiful part of the world.
 Thank you all for your generous donations which will help bring comfort to those in need.
  Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Always love to see travel photos. Have a great time. Cherrie

  2. Take good care of yourself most importantly Jan and have a lovely holiday in Tas, my old stamping ground.

  3. So pleased my parcel arrived safely. Lovely to see a picture too. But now , you and resting! Enjoy Tasmania, catching up with friends and enjoying the beautiful scenery. My husband's aunt had a lovely saying for a time such as this: "Time to sit on the soft cushion." so, sit and enjoy being fussed over and looked after.
