Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Finishes and Arrivals.

 It's funny how you can faff around when you have plenty of time to catch up on all those projects but that only lasted a couple of days last week and now I'm busy sorting all of the donated scraps and UFOs as well as excavating my sewing room.
    I have also finished a few more donation quilts and this fabulous quilt in 1930s pastels was donated by Sandra McLay (Vic) and it has been beautifully quilted by Sharon Siacci of Beyond Meander Quilting. Sharon very kindly quilted many of the large quilts for Oz Comfort Quilts.
 This beautiful bright quilt top was made by Sandra O. from ACT for our bushfire quilt drive.
 Christa Lobb from NSW sent a very large parcel of lots of sets of colour co-ordinated string pieced blocks and I have sewn this large top of donated blue blocks.
 This lovely quilt top was made by a member of AQA, my quilting group and it will be going to Peter Mac.
 This lovely hexagon quilt top was also finished for AQA. I noticed that lots of members didn't have hand stitching to do at meetings so we prepared kits of hexagons and it's lovely to hear how much our members have enjoyed stitching them. We've had lots of lovely hexie quilts made to donate to those in need of comfort.
Kim Court from Qld sent these 2 beautifully warm crocheted blankets for Oz Comfort Quilts  (OCQ) and they will be very much appreciated with our chilly weather.
   When we visited Corryong at the end of June we traveled through Wangaratta and called into the woollen mill there and I bought lits of beautiful yarn to crochet and knit more items to donate. They had a huge bin of tangled yarn pre-packed in lots of different colours and, as my DH says, I have plenty of patience so I have been untangling and rewinding the yarn and have done about 5.5 kgs so far, with lots more to do. I'm also knitting baby jackets and crocheting blankets for the organization, St Kilda Mums, who help disadvantaged women with young families,  and it's been a chance to use different muscles after using the rotary cutter so much during the last week to cut up lots of fabric scraps. We also face timed the boys today and Jake sang us songs and read us some stories while Aidan blows kisses and tries out new words, so it was a highlight of the day.
   Tomorrow I am planning on working on a long-term UFO of mine so I will check back and show my progress.  Stay safe everyone.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Beautiful quilts and blankets gifted by many lovely ladies...

  2. Such lovely quilts and blankets.
