Saturday, August 15, 2020

Bits and Pieces.

 I'm puddling along with lots more sorting and cutting of scraps as well as progressing with a few projects, but there's still lots of kits to make up.  My fingers were sore from doing so much hand stitching so I have been doing more knitting and winding the yarn I bought in bulk. I have also made progress with this quilt top I was making for Jake. It became a UFO due to lack of time as I started it about 2 years ago and it's ready for quilting now and the backing has been made.  I'm planning to pin baste it tomorrow and I have decided to do simple cross hatch quilting. It was for Jake but now he's older his interests are changing to trucks and cars so it might go to Aidan, but the main thing is to get it finished first and then decide who receives it.
 Some of these were donated blocks made from 2.5 inch squares and I had also started a project using the same type of blocks. However this was October last year and now I can't find the aqua fabric I was using so I removed the aqua strips and will just keep making blocks until I have enough for a quilt top. I might just put it together as a kit to be finished later. I have also been making 9 patch blocks from random 2 inch squares and will make enough for a quilt before I  start to make them into blocks. I like to use these as the centre of Square in a square blocks.
I also started this elongated rectangle crocheted blanket in October last year and it's finished now so that's a relief that it didn't become a UFO.
The baby hat was knitted from some of the yarn I have been winding and it will be going to St Kilda Mums for their clients who need support. I also have my Lyre quilt top backing prepared and plan to pin baste that one in the next few days and it will be lovely to have a finished quilt that I plan to keep and enjoy.
   I hope you're all enjoying some time to work on your projects too.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. I remember when you started that quilt for Jake. Good to now have it nearly finished and also many other UFOs....
    Stay well ...

  2. You have been busy on a lot of projects. I’ve been knitting, crocheting , sewing masks and two Patchwork totes for two little girls for third birthday presents.
