Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Unusual Events and Donations.

 It's been an unusual week with Ray having an ambulance trip to hospital late Tuesday night with a suspected heart attack. After an anxious few hours, the initial tests were clear and further tests were ordered for the next day. He's fine now but still having investigations to determine the cause of such severe pain.
      Earlier tgat evening Wendy Snook dropped off some donations, including the lovely child's quilt shown above.
 Wendy also donated 4 tops, a backing and binding which will make more beautiful quilts to donate.
 She also donated a large pack of batting  and 5 scrub hats.
 Kate Scarletti (Vic) donated 7 Dr's gowns which was a great result.
 Lauren Sankey (Qld) donated 3 sets of blocks to make more lovely quilts.
 Sally Swan (Vic) donated another 3 gowns, 5 masks and 2 hats.
 Julie Wishart (Vic) has been very busy making masks and sent 11 in fun fabrics.
 Ann Bacon (Vic) donated a scrub hat and 4 masks.
 Wilma Checkley (Vic) donated 4 gowns, 8 nasks and 2 scrub hats.

 Kim Court from Qld donated 2 panels of kids fabric.
Lesley Lowe in Vic,  a long time supporter of Oz Comfort Quilts,  donated a very large bag of I Spy blocks as well as a large parcel of fabric for backings of gowns. Carleen Richardson from Tasmania sent a another large parcel of sheeting / backings.
Thankfully Ray is Ok at the moment and hopefully we are able to find the cause of his pain and possible management. In the meantime we are taking a slower pace at the moment and trying to get more rest.
 I hope you're all well and enjoying some stitching time.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. You both need to take a rest and look after yourselves. Take a back seat and slow down...
    So many people support you which gives you time to look after yourself.

  2. So sorry to read of your hubby's trip to hospital. Do rest up, both of you, and take care.

  3. I hope your hubby is ok and gets some good results. Time for both of your to rest up a bit.

  4. Hope Ray is feeling a little better. What a shock for you both. A warning to take things more steadily? Have some quiet time. Gentle pottering, reading, watching TV.
