Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Quiet Easter Week.

 Now that we are in isolation at home we have decided to take life at a slower pace. Like everyone else, we're getting our fresh air and exercise by working in the garden, chatting to family on Face time, and trying new recipes. I'm having lots of nanna naps too which is very unusual but I guess I must need them or I wouldn't be sleeping.
     Rather than spending lots of hours at the sewing machine, I am doing more hand work. These lovely applique blocks are from a BOM donated to Oz Comfort Quilts and I am enjoying some slow stitchinb by working on them.
 This is the third block finished and the first 3 blocks had been partially finished, but now the rest I neec to work on from scratch.
 We're missing the boys cuddles but Jake gives us lots of kisses over the phone. One good thing from this isolation is that both of his parents are working from home and enjoying the extra time they have together, especially without having to travel to work. The boys are loving their extra family time too and we're loving the short videos they send of Jake speaking about missing us. I'm taking the time to knit a jumper each for the boys and have almost finished Aidan's.
 Helen Stewart from Vic sent another parcel of 3 lovely tops as well as backing and binding for each one.  Thank youso much for your support.
      We've been approved to buy groceries online now which is a relief and we had a quiet Easter but spent lots of time talking to family via the phone and Face Time. I'm still quilting at least one quilt most days and will share some finishes soon.
       I hope that you're all staying safe and enjoying some quiet time to read or stitch and perhaps finishing up some UFOs.
I think I will sort through the tub or orphan blocks again and match them up to make more tops. Swapping between hand stitching, machine sewing, crochet and knitting ensures that I don't get bored and it limits over usage of the same muscle groups. I guess this is what retirement feels like!! Something I hadn't experienced until now.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

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