Monday, January 13, 2020

UFO Monday -2nd and 3rd Finishes For The Year.

 One advantage of running another quilt drive is the inspiration to finish off more UFOs that have been languishing in the cupboard. This first quilt was in 2 pieces when I found it and I think it was donated some time ago. I decided to piece the two sections together and then add borders.  Now it's ready for the Oz Comfort Quilts bushfire appeal.
 The second UFO  finish was also donated and it was in 2 pieces as well. Each piece had 4 large sections so I unpicked 2 blocks from one of the pieces and added them to the other section, making one large top. After adding borders and quilting it's now ready for donation for our bushfire appeal.
I 'm very happy to have 3 UFOs out of the cupboards so early in the year and I have my eye on another couple that I can finish soon.
I hope many quioters are able to donate quilts to our bushfire appeal, or a monetary donation to help pay for batting.
Many thanks for your support.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Lovely finishes to donate Jan..

  2. Great quilts. It is always a nice feeling to finish a quilt, especially one that has been waitingfor long.

  3. Wonderful finishes, and a always a good feeling to get a ufo out of the cupboard and finished.

  4. I'm in WA and I'd like to contribute, could you let me know where to send a donation please ?
