Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Donations For Oz Comfort Quilts.

 Donations from very generous quilters have started to arrive and I have started quilting tops as they arrive. Jill Dearing from Tasmania sent two lovely batik tops and $50 to pay for batting.
 Sue Palmer from Vic sent 27 lovely QAYG blocks.  Heather Mahncke sent 3 beautiful tops and 54 blocks which will make more lovely quilts.
 These shown below are also from Heather M.
 Lynne Gourley from Tasmania sent a lovely child's quilt as well as a fabulous  large top , backing and binding .
Carole Carter and Susan from Desertsky Quilting are both from the US and they both sent almost $50 each via paypal to help pay for batting.
   Thank you all so much for your generous donations and placing your trust in me to ensure the quilts will be finished and donated to the affected communities . At this stage I don't know how many quilts we will donate but whatever we achieve will help some people in need of comfort .
Hugs, Jan Mac
PS. If you have tried to contact me please try again at janmac3631@gmail.com 


  1. What super contributions to your Oz Comfort Drive. It’s so great that people all over the world want to support Australians in their devastating conditions. Keep them coming. And lots of love to you, Jan, as you put the quilts together.

  2. Wonderful to see donations and money for wadding coming in.

  3. HI - what size do you want for the string blocks??
    I am sure I can rustle up some and send them....I have boxes of strips jut sitting here looking for a home
    perhaps you did a blog post and you could send me the link - I wasn't sure how far back I needed to go.
