Sunday, December 8, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 I had no quilts finished this week and less sewing time as DD badly sprained her ankle and had to rest it as much as possible so we enjoyed looking after our lovely grandsons. I had already decided to focus on getting some items made for sale in the Peter Mac auxiliary shop to help them raise funds for patient's services. This first table topper was made by Jo B. and I quilted it in time for sale for Christmas gift giving.
 These 2 table toppers were both UFOs and they are UFO finishes 35 and 36 for the year. They were fun to make and it's great to have more UFO finishes.
 The top table runner was also a UFO  and it's my 37th UFO finish for the year, and the one below was a panel piece I made into a table runner as it has a tea and coffee theme.
 I decorated 5 tea towels and 2 hand towels for sale as Christmas gifts.
 I made 3 small bags and the cushion below as well for gifts. Sue McP. had donated the lovely panel for the cushion.
 During the week I also pieced 10 of these stars and appliqued 9 of them to fabric. Some of these star pieces were donated and some were cut from donated fabric. As some of them came to me through my quilting group ,AQA , I am piecing them for use by AQA's Gift Quilt Program . It's a nice change of stitching while watching TV at night.
Jake has just decided to stop having his afternoon nap unfortunately so it looks like I will need to sew at night again. He loves copying what we do and had started to place plastic cakes in my CD Rom, turn on the computer and tell me he's cooking cakes. We decided to buy him a little kitchen and he loves it. He helps Pa to make cup cakes and  now he can pretend bake as much as he likes.
       It's been great to get so nany items ready to be donated to the Peter Mac auxiliary shop but I wish I had started earlier. Nevermind every bit helps and there will still be a need for more even after Christmas . Oh, and it's our 40th wedding anniversary today  and it has flashed past, and I would marry him again if we went back in time. Ray's been a wonderful life partner and husband.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Happy Anniversary... wow still so busy and made so much.

  2. What a lovely collection of gifts for the shop. Well done. Congratulations on your Ruby Anniversary. Don’t the years dash by?
