Monday, December 9, 2019

UFO Monday.

 As I finished another 3 UFOs on the weekend I thought I would tidy up my sewing room and I found another 3 to work on. Really I could work on UFOs non stop as I receive some as donations and lots are mine too. The first photo shows a quilt made from the diamonds that I am currently stitching. I stitch them together and then applique them to a background square of fabric.
 I found more of mine that I had started to piece years ago and they are similar in size to my recent acquisitions so I will integrate these into the new ones. I used to glue tye papers on but I changed back to stitching these onto the paper and I'm enjoying the process of some hand stitching.
 I also found this set of 9  donated blocks so will see if I can find some more which will play nicely with these.
 This large package contained some donated blocks and lots of matching fabric so I will create a top from these. It won't be as the original quilter intended but it will be finished.
 This mix of blocks was donated and as there's not enough for a quilt and they don't really match each other, I will take apart the blocks that have been joined together and see if I can either find some similar blocks to jojn them, or make some to match them.
Luckily I love working on finishing UFOs, both mine and those donated so I can see that I won't run out of things to work on for a while.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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