Sunday, December 29, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 We're having some very hot weather and I'm still enjoying slowing down a bit but I did get 4 AQA quilt tops quilted for my quilting group's Gift Quilt program so that was a bonus.

 The photos aren't great but it was too hot to dally outside. The donated top below was also quilted and is going into the next shipment of quilts I'm getting ready for Peter Mac .
 I also knitted another baby jacket for sale in the Peter Mac auxiliary shop and it was a nice change to knit while enjoying watching the test cricket match against New Zealand .
It's going to be an even hotter day of 43 degrees C (109.4 F) so I might even spend the day reading but I probably need to take it eady for a bit before we get busy again.
I hope you're all enjoying some time to relax as well.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

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