Monday, December 30, 2019

UFO Monday- 38th UFO Finish.

 Sadly a lot of Australians are experiencing life threatening bush fires and many people in several states have lost their homes. We're also having extremely hot weather conditions and we are happy that we no longer have to worry about floods or bushfires now we have moved to Melbourne . The enormity of giving support to those who lost their homes in the fires can be overwhelming with 1,200 homes lost so far and the fires are continuing. In 2009, Oz Comfort Quilts distributed 2,300 quilts to the people who lost their homes , family and friends in the Kinglake area, and this was only possible due to all the support we received from quilters here as well as internationally.  I have run many other quilt drives in the past but only initiate them if I have local contacts who can be relied on to help with distribution of quilts in their affected areas to ensure that the quilts reach the people where they are intended. There will be no immediate rush to decide on whether or not to run another quilt drive as the affected people won't be in a position to receive or use quilts for some time so I will continue to give it some serious thought and in the meantime keep making quilts.
       As a change of pace which allows me to sit under the air conditioning and try to stay cool, I've been working on another UFO of hexagons which I have started to stitch to background fabric.
 I'm also taking some time to sort through my craft and sewing supplies and I was very surprised to find this white baby jacket which I had finished knitting but put aside quite a few months ago without finishing it up. I didn't think there would be time for another UFO finish but this one has also been completed and makes the list for 38 UFO finishes this year.  I'm really happy with this and I still have quite a few UFOs I've recently found so I'm going to keep working on finishing more next year.
This little jacket will be donated to the Peter Mac auxiliary shop to raise funds for patient services and I plan on knitting a few more as time allows . Now I need to tally my finishes for 2019 and get ready for another productive year for 2020.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. I am so impressed with what you achieve... You do an amazing job with all the hard work you put in and all that you donate. I hope to do a little more for you in 2020...

  2. Congratulations with all your UFO finishes and all the lovely things you made for the shop at Peter Mac...

  3. Happy New Year! I so enjoy reading what you are working on and all the projects you have completed. Of course, grandchildren photos are an added bonus. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
    Houston, TX
