Sunday, December 1, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 The weeks seem to be moving on faster and faster towards Christmas and I really want to get back to sewing for the Peter Mac auxiliary shop but I'm still quilting donated tops as well as tops for AQA. I'm also finishing off more UFOs which I will share tomorrow. This first quilt was a donated top and it will be lovely for a male patient at Peter Mac .
 This top was donated by Jo B. and I used a "cheater" fabric in bright colours for the backing so it's a reversible quilt in case the recipient thinks it's too Christmas-like, but I know it will be treasured regardless.

 This fun top was made and donated by Marg. C. who loves to make these fun and bright quilts for children. It will brighten someone's day too.
 The next 3 quilt tops were made by members of my quilting group, AQA, and I quilted them for our Gift Quilt Program. It's our last meeting tomorrow until February so I have brought quite a few finished AQA tops home to finish off during our break.

Now that I will be delivering the last quilts for AQA tomorrow, and my last delivery of Oz Comfort Quilts was made last week, I'll still work on finishing my UFOs as well as making more items for the Peter Mac auxiliary shop,  and I also need to make a start on one or two quilts for AQA's exhibition which will be held next September.
   I've been deliberately spending less time on social media so I have more time for quilting and it looks like I need to stay focused to finish all of the projects I gave planned.
More to share tomorrow .
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. I understand. Once you start reading social media time gets away from you. Happy sewing

  2. Lots of lovely quilts to help put a smile on some folks faces...
