Monday, December 2, 2019

UFO Monday - 32nd, 33rd and 34th Finishes.

 When I decided to work on reducing my UFOs I never dreamt that I would be able to finish so many. There's still plenty to work on too but it's great to have so many finished , reducing the fabric stash and making room on the shelves.
   This first one was a pile of donated strips and I added brown hand dyed fabric donated by Maree St C. of Vic and it's going to be a lovely quilt for a male patient at Peter Mac Cancer Centre.
 This top was left over from a larger one of simple squares. I think I used the larger piece as a backing and was thinking of doing the same with this piece until I found this beautiful fabric for the border. Just adding the floral stripe added so much to the simple squares and it will also go to Peter Mac.
This last quilt was also the remains of a much larger top which I had made smaller to make it more appropriate for donation. I added borders and it will also be donated to Peter Mac . I still have more of these to finish off too.
      Whether the finished quilts were UFOs or not doesn't really matter as they are all donated but it's great to have more of the UFOs finished so they can be donated.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

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