Monday, November 4, 2019

UFO Monday.

 The large flower circle has been attached to the main section of the quilt top and I am currently adding the pale blue outer border with flowers. Slow and steady stitching most nights has got me to this stage.
 In this photo you can see how the next flower section will look. The piece I'm adding is in the bottom of the photo and the flower section in the top part of the photo shows how it looks when this part is finished. In between these flower sections I need to add a large diamond shape, as seen below.
This large diamond will also be surrounded by pale blue background and more small flower shapes. I haven't started this last diamond yet but I will be stitchinv this section soon.
      It's been rewarding to alternate between UFOs which were closer to being finished and this much larger and long term project. I plan to finish another UFO during the coming week, time and grandsons allowing. Lol.
     We're having some cold and wet weather again at the moment but I don't mind as we need the rain to fill water storages and it's good weather for quilting.
 Have a great week everyone.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

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