Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Many Thanks Jo B.

 On Monday, I had the opportunity to catch up with Jo B. , a member of my online quilting group, Southern Cross Quilters, and she very generously donated lots of tops, blocks  and fabric to my quilt projects as well as this beautiful quilt. It will be much loved by the child who receives it at Peter Mac and give the parents and child lots to look at and chat about while they are receiving treatment.
 Jo donated 2 large tops she'd made from kits she'd purchased from the Sth Australian ladies who were raising money for the Bedford Foundation and they will be beautiful quilts to donate when finished.
 This smaller red and green top has a Christmas theme so I think I will make it a reversible quilt by using another quilt top or feature panel as a backing.
 This lovely small Christmas piece might become a table topper for sale in the Peter Mac auxiliary shop or I might make it into a larger quilt . Stay tuned. Lol.
 These beautiful blocks were made using Bonnie Hunter's free sew along pattern, Ringo Lake. There are 12 of each type of blocks and I haven't yet decided whether or not to make a larger quilt by using sashing or borders.
 Jo also included fabric for backings, a large number of strips from jelly rolls, as well as wool to be used for baby jackets and crocheted blankets.
 Jo very kindly also gifted a fabulous wooden train set for Jake and Aidan. Ray set up the train set on Tuesday and it kept Jake occupied all day.
 It was lovely to see 2 year old Jake with his creative play, setting up the trains, cars and buses as well as building and rebuilding the little houses. I can see we're going to have hours of fun with this gift so many thanks Jo from Jake, Aidan, Ray and myself.
Jo said she has been reading my blog for years and it was lovely to meet again. A very heartfelt thank you for all of your support with my quilt projects, Jo. We're able to help and support so many with these quilt projects due to all the support from my generous blog readers.
    Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. How lucky you are to have met up with Jo. She and I have connected via our blogs for several years and have exchanged little home made gifts etc. I have also been following you for a similar time and safely I know you both even though at live in the UK and until now have been living in NZ for several months a year. Amazing how quilting brings people together from all parts of the world. Good luck with finishing and passing along the lovely tops and quilts Jo gifted to you. I love th photos of Jake playing its th train set. They are always such popular toys and give hours and hours of play for a long time to come.

  2. Love the photo,s of Jake playing .Beautiful quilts Jan for the charity .I,m still making
    quilts for the charity here. Met a lot new friends true quilting were I live now ,
    Hugs Marijke
