Sunday, October 20, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 This first QAYG quilt was made from the blocks that the lovely Delys R., from Western Australia, made. I added another 5 blocks so that it would be a larger quilt for a male. I love using dark joining pieces as it gives it a stained glass effect.
 This QAYG quilt also went together quickly thanks to my lovely supporters who make the QAYG blocks for me.
 This top was made by members of my quilting group, AQA, and I quilted it for our Gift Quilt Program.  Noticing that many members didn't bring hand sewing to meetings, I suggested that we provide packs of 1 inch hexagons so those who wish to can stitch during the meetings. They have been very popular and many are taken home to be stitched as well, giving some variety to the quilts we're producing.
 Another AQA top that I quilted this week for our Gift Quilt Program.
I would have liked to finish more quilts but I also wanted to organise my fabric so I spent 3 days sorting fabric into tubs according to colour. I have separate tubs for repro fabric, orphan blocks and panels and now I will find it much quicker to access the fabric I need when looking for fabric suitable for borders, binding and to make blocks.
    Baby Aidan had a night in hospital with uncontrollable vomiting which the paediatrician thought was due to a cow's milk protein allergy. We will be baby sitting both boys overnight next weekend when their parents have a wedding to attend and they tried him with a formula feed.  He was very unwell and it was such a relief when he recovered and there will be lots of pumping happening in the coming week so we can give him breast milk.  Thankfully we're almost over the lack of sleep too as he went to the hospital very late at night, while I went over to look after Jake.       
   The last photo shows the beginning of a new quilt (yes I know I'm supposed to be working on UFOs) which I started when I found that I have so many thin string pieces of fabric. Yes I could throw them out but they all cost money and they are still useful for a scrappy quilt. I'm throwing out anything narrower than 1 inch and these blocks are 4.5 x 8.5 inches with 1.5 inch black strips along the edges. By alternating the blocks it's  a great way to use up lots of smaller scraps. I have a large tub of scraps to work through and will try to work on the blocks regularly to empty the tub.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Lots of great different quilts to gift. The hexies are a great idea to have some hand stitching and make a nice quilt.
    Good. Useofscraps too..
    Pleased Aiden is ok...

  2. Poor Aidan, must have been such a worry for you all. Hope your baby sitting weekend goes well.
    Four finished quilts, well done. Your idea to provide hand sewing packs for meetings is a productive one. Well done.

  3. Your new string project looks refreshingly different,and the black edges make those colors very bright.
