Monday, October 21, 2019

UFO Monday.

 There's been slow but steady progress on my La Passion quilt and I have finished adding the second last circle and diamond pieces. Now I am piecing the last circle so I can see that this section is almost finished. I'm really enjoying it as I love the colours I chose for this quilt.
While I was cleaning up my sewing room I found lots of 2.5 inch squares which I had started to join together so I found a bright aqua fabric for the alternate strips and took a break from folding fabric by sewing some more squares together. This UFO will become my leader/ender stitching so I should be able to get the top finished soon and make a dent on my boxes of 2.5 inch squares.
   Today was our sewing day for AQA's Gift Quilt Program and we had lots of members come along to pin quilts ready for quilting, match backing and binding to tops as well as quilting tops and sewing quilt kits. It was a very productive day as well as a happy social get-to-gether . Not much might be done tonight but I will keep working on quilting and sorting out my sewing room tomorrow .
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. La Passion is very pretty and nice for you to work on your own project.
    Good use of 2 1/2" squares...

  2. I like the new 2" square quilt. Your Gift Quilt Program day sounds inspiring and I can imagine how fun it must have been for all the participants.

  3. Your sewing room must be like a Treasure Trove. I’m trying to imagine boxes of 2.5” squares, I have one plastic box slightly larger than a shoe box! However they are always useful. Using some yesterday to make child size tote bag. I like Leader and Ender projects too.
