Sunday, April 21, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 The first 6 quilts here were all tops made by members of my Quilting Group for our Gift Quilt Program and I only had to pin baste them, quilt them and then label and bind them.  The ladies who help me with this program are very talented with using scraps to come up with lots of different designs and mix in our older fabrics with the newer ones.

 The following 3 tops were donated by my lovely blog readers and I am very happy to get them out of boxes and ready to donate. This first lovely Pinwheel quilt was donated with its batting and I think it was donated by Lesley L. from the Kyvalley/ Rochester quilters.
 This top was probably made as a sampler quilt and it's very nicely constructed.
 The last top was donated too and it was easy to finish it up and add a scrappy red binding.
The most momentous news from this week is that we have set up shelving units in our large garage and all of my fabric etc is now accessible. DH was very worried about how much work was involved and how long it would take. Thankfully it only took about 3 days of work as he built the shelves while I stacked them with tubs and boxes. I was finally reunited with the UFOs that I wanted to finish as well as the antique quilts I want to restore. We will only be looking after Jake full time for another 2 weeks until our DD starts maternity leave so it's wonderful to know that I will be able to access my UFOs, donated tops and blocks and get them finished for donation.
    I'm doing really well on not starting anything new so far this year and now that all my fabric and yarn is stored together, I can see that I don't need to buy any for a while until I reduce my supplies. It was a lot of work to get it organized but such a relief to finally have it done. Hopefully I can keep being so productive with finishes and have more to share soon .
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. That's a fantastic pile of quilts finished by you From the donated tops from many lovely folk.
    So happy for you to finally have your own space for all your STUFF.... have fun....

  2. Another great group of finished Quilts. Well done to everyone involved. So pleased all your shelving is done and you can now have easy access to your supplies. Well done to your husband for making the shelving.
