Monday, April 22, 2019

UFO Monday.

 This week my work on UFOs is a bit different as I have found a couple of my antique quilt tops which need restoration. The first us a top from the late 1800s which has some shredded red fabric and it's missing a block as well. There's also some damage to a few of the blocks. It's been a UFO for a long time so I decided it needs to be finished. I have taken the blocks and sashing apart and will make the repairs,  stitch it back together and quilt it. It would be considered a utility quilt and most likely was made from clothing remnants with the red sashing bought for the purpose .
 This quilt top was from the 1940s and some of the fabric has frayed as it has been washed,  causing damage. I am going to take it apart and remake the blocks, replacing the damaged fabric as needed. This one will be pieced by hand so it will take longer but it should be a worthwhile project to have it finished.
I enjoy finishing UFOs, both mine or other quilters', so these will be fun to get finished . Finding and being able to access my tubs of UFOs and fabric has given me a lot more options for finishing UFOs and I'm going to really enjoy working on lots of different projects, as well as finishing more donation quilts.
I hope you all enjoyed a peaceful Easter break as well.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

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