Monday, April 1, 2019

Progress Has Been Made.

Jake is finally well again and has started sleeping well again for the last few days so I have been able to pin baste quilts and have them ready for quilting, which I did at night time. This first lovely quilt was the top, backing and batting sent by Desley R. Of Western Australia. It is such a pretty quilt for a girl and I am sure it will be loved.
 This second monster top was hand button hole stitched by Margaret C. of Victoria and it's a fun quilt for a child receiving treatment at Peter Mac.
 This top, backing and batting was donated, I think by Lesley L. of Victoria, and it's a lovely quilt for a child and a relief to have it finished for donation.
 This last quilt was cut down from a larger one which had been damaged and it will be going to Anglicare to warm a needy person they support. I dropped off 25 AQA quilts to them today and they were thrilled to receive them as winter is coming. I am finishing off the crocheted squares into blankets as Anglicare are also in need of them.
Many thanks to everyone for their donations which will bring warmth and comfort.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Pleased Jake is well again...
    Four gorgeous quilts donated by great folk and put together by you lovely lady
