Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Cross Stitch Tuesday.

 These are the 6 finished blocks and I am stitching the 7th now.
 I have only stitched for a couple of nights this week as I've been busy crocheting squares together into blankets to donate but there is progress from last week, shown below.
I've also been knitting baby jackets and holding Jake a lot as his sleeping pattern has been upset since he was sick, so although I 'm quilting less during the day, I will have more to share soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Sounds as though you have been busy on all fronts: stitching, knitting and crocheting. As well as comforting little Jake.

  2. Hope Jake is feeling better and settling into his ld routine for you...
    THe Cross stitched fairies look lovely. How many more are there to do ?????
