Sunday, October 21, 2018

Australian Quilters Association.

 I have devoted this week's sewing time to quilting 6 more quilt tops for AQA, my quilting group. Our members make lots of blocks and tops and I am more than happy to be one of the quilters who finish them off as quilts. We had quite a few older tops languishing in the group's storage space so I am trying to get those finished to make room for newer tops. We've donated 240 quilts in the past 12 months as we get lots of help from our members.
 We encourage members to assist with the sewing tasks that they enjoy and we have at least 2 ladies who are very skilled at putting together kits for members to stitch at home, as well as makjng up blocks and kits for blocks from the fabric we have received as donations. Sometimes a skill share day is organized and a new pattern or technique is taught. A Jelly Roll Race day meant we received lots of jelly roll quilts.  Some of them were too big for gift quilts so we have been making the tops smaller prior to quilting them.

 I love the scrappy nature of the first quilt I shared in this post and when I examined it more closely I could see that it was constructed from donated 9 patch blocks, combined with 9 patch blocks made from random squares. The borders are a lovely addition and this is one of my favourite tops I have quilted.
I'm still coughing at night but I am grateful that I am improving and able to get back to some quilting too.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Well done for so many quilt finishes despite not feeling 100%. Get well soon.

  2. Such a wonderful group of ladies and it's sew good when you all work together...
    Scrappy quilts always look great.
