Monday, October 15, 2018

A Change of Pace.

 The stress of our trip must have had some effect as I came down with a nasty head cold and lost my voice.  Plenty of fluids, aspirin and early nights means that it's passing quickly thankfully and I am managing to look after Jake as long as I have a nap in the afternoons.
       My DD wanted some baby hurp cloths made as gifts for friends so I did get some sewing done. I made some for baby Jake too and they are very useful and relatively quick and easy to make. Both friends are having girls so almost all if the scraps were used up. I still have lots of scraps left over from Jake's too so it mighf be a good idea to get a head start on some for future gifts.
     I have also made time to pin baste more tops for AQA so will have more quilt finishes to share soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Hope you'er 100% soon.
    Lovely hurp clothes.
    Great idea to make a few to have on hand for gifts.
