Monday, August 6, 2018

Thank you Margo and Sue.

 I received a lovely parcel of 24 crocheted squares made by Margo B. from Tasmania and they came at the right time as I am trying to get more quilts, beanies and blankets finished for New Guinea.  Thanks to Margo's donation, I will gave at least one blanket to send. Time is short to get more finished as the next shipment is in about 4 weeks time. I won't stress over it though as we are already busy with our other quilt projects.
   This lovely Cat quilt was one of the tops donated by Sue McP and will be a lovely quilt for a child in foster care.  Sue sent many blocks as well so I need to get busy and put them together into more quilts.
 The last photo shows my progress on my 18year old UFO. I have appliqued the star top to its borders and have now pin basted it. Hopefully I will get some time to quilt it this week and get another UFO off my list.
Many thanks for all of your help dear friends.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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