Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Busy Week.

 August is a very busy month for the family with 2 birthdays and a wedding anniversary to celebrate as well as battling winter colds. However, I had a very productive week with all of these quilt tops finished for AQA. I try to quilt 8 a month for them as well as my Oz Comfort Quilts but by just doing AQA tops I finished 7 in a week as well as one of mine.

 I also delivered another 20 of Oz Comfort Quilts to Peter Mac so it's been very busy but also very productive.  Finally a rare photo of a sleeping grandson. He is almost one and is an absolute delight with lots of Nan Nan and Pa Pa said all day. Unfortunately he has a cold and sore throat but continues to be is almost usual happy self.
I have also reinvigorated my love of dressmaking and I am having fun making more garments to wear. We are off to Queensland for 2 weeks in September, with our little grandson and his parents, so some new clothes will be fun to wear in the sun.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Congratulations on the finishes. A grand total. Baby looks lovely, hope all the colds are better soon. Nice to hear you are managing to find time for some dressmaking.

  2. Love all the quilts special the top one ,Hope Jake is getting well soon for the holiday ,
    were do you get all the time from to do and quilting ,and dressmaking and taking care of Jake.
    I,m off to England in 3 weeks time to visit my friends there .Love Marijke

  3. You'er amazing how many finishes you achieve. Well done Jan.
    Oh poor little fella not being well. Hope he gets better soon.
