Saturday, April 15, 2017

So Far.

 It hasn't taken me long to take the blocks apart, repiece them and get them ready to be joined together again. I think I've done about 2/3rds of the top but I will probably make it larger using similar fabrics.
I also started making a baby quilt as I have 4 due between July and Oct, 3 of them will be within 4 weeks or so. I usually wait to see what gender the baby is but this time I am going to piece enough tops for boys and girls, maybe 3 of each, add borders and then I will only have to applique the baby's name and quilt it. Hopefully I will be able to get them done before June as it looks like the rest of the year is gouing to be very busy with moving etc.
  I have also been busy quilting tops and finishing QAYG quilts so I will have more to share soon. Many thanks for your words of comfort, as it means a lot to me.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. you are busy with baby quilts I had 6 last year to do for friends of my daughters, this year I have 2 but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Still getting a message every time I add a comment that an email has not been delivered to you not sure if it is spam but it is a bit of a worry

  2. Well done persevering with taking the donated quilt apart so you can sew it up more securely - a lot of work but as you say you are doing it in evenings that is a good idea. I often make several baby quilts ahead of time to try to have a suitable quilt on hand, whether it's a boy or girl who arrives. I need to make a start as there are three babies due between June and end of August. I do already have some in reserve in my quilt cupboard.

  3. al those baby s keep you bussy Jan .love the blocks .
    The string quilts are beautiful
