Friday, April 14, 2017

A Labour of Love.

 Now that our home is ready for sale we are busy sorting through all of those belongings we have had stored in our shed. You know, all of those things you couldn't part with but didn't need, so they were put away for a decision at a later time. As well I have received a lot of donated tops and orphan blocks over the years and they have been carefully stored until I had time to complete them for donation.
  Now we have time for more decluttering I am gathering some tops and blocks from storage, as well as more QAYG blocks, to finish. This top was donated and I was going to quilt it but found it had been hand pieced by a beginner (that's OK we all have to start somewhere) but lots of the seams had blown as the stitching was too far apart. The fabric was good quilt shop quality and quilting it as is would mean it wouldn't stand up to much use without more seams coming apart.
  I've started to take the blocks apart and resew them so they will be able to become a much loved treasure as a donation quilt. The blocks were originally cut by scissors and the shapes varied, as well as varying seam allowances,so I am trimming the blocks a bit smaller than the originals so I have adequate seam allowances and the seams won't fray.

 It's a labour of love but I think it's worth it to remake the top and I know it will be treasured. As the stitching was done by hand it is relatively quick to unpick the stitches in the evening when I am taking a break from the sewing machine.
 As you can see they will look really nice when they are remade and I might add a few more fabrics to make it a bit bigger. I will keep going with this in between other finishes and hope to share its finish with you soon.
  Many thanks for all of your kind messages re my dad's passing. We had another memorial service yesterday at the care centre where he has lived for the last 3 years, so his friends there could say their goodbyes too. His biggest regret was not living long enough to see one of his friends celebarte his 100th birthday in September this year. It was lovely to meet his friends and hear how much he had meant to them and how they were missing him. Many people who had known us as children came to extend their condolences and I have realized that it has affected me more than I realized.
 Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. This is a gorgeous quilt top, a lovely block and a lovely bunch of colours. I'm sorry to read that your father has passed away, I guess you grief might come in waves. Be kind to yourself x

  2. what a challenge to unpick a whole quilt and put it back together again best of luck. You are having a good sort out too, trust move goes well. The last 2 times I have left a comment I have had an email saying my email could not be delivered not sure what that is about as I left it on your blog and can see it there.

  3. Isnt it great to now that your dad was loved by so many people.
    love the quilt Jan, great job ,hugs Marijke
