Saturday, October 15, 2016

Today's Show and Tell.

 I'm very busy packing up my sewing room at the moment and in between times, I'm finishing off donation quilts. You don't realize how many bits and pieces of fabric scraps you have until you have to gather them all together in boxes. The hard part is trying to remember where things are stored in case I have time to work on them before we move.
 The first top is my version of Sharon Barnes' Chester County Criswell quilt. Sharon ran this replica of her family's treasured quilt as a BOM pattern and several of us have finished, or almost finished, the quilt. Mine still needs to be quilted and we hope to show them at an exhibition or quilt show next year. I needed to send Sharon a photo of mine so I've done that and now it is packed away until I have time for the quilting.
In the meantime, I have quilted another top made by one of my Melbourne quilting group members, Marg C. makes these lovely quilt tops and I'm happy to quilt them for her and then they are donated through AQA. I have another donation quilt just waiting for binding when time allows. Back to packing in the meantime, as well as working more nights.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. So have you found somewhere to move to.

  2. Love your special quilt..
    Nice one Marg donated too.
    You sure are a busy beaver Jan. Goog luck with your packing..

  3. Good luck it's the packing. When and where are you moving to?

  4. Congratulations Jan on your beautiful CCCQ!!! It looks great with the floral border that you have added. I've only got one more block then I'll have to get it together in time for next year's exhibit - I'm really looking forward to that. All the best for your packing and moving.
