Friday, October 14, 2016

The Beauty of Scrapping.

 While I was in Melbourne I received a large parcel of scrappy goodies from Nanette G. of NSW. Nanette stitched these fabulous string pieces onto foundation fabric and made 6" blocks from them. They make such a lovely quilt and this top will be quilted ASAP and donated for Christmas. I love all the variations of blue and the added red and yellow makes a beautiful quilt top and a great way to use up all those little scraps we all seem to accumulate.

Nanette also sent some more of the string pieced blocks as well as some orphan blocks which will play nicely with some I have here waiting to be made into more tops. I think as quilters we get a bit carried away with all the beautiful fabrics and forget that even the smaller pieces can be used to make a comforting quilt to donate.
   Many thanks for all your work and your beautiful donations, Nanette. They will bring some lucky people comfort this Christmas.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Looks like you are into the swing of things

  2. Lovely quilt. The blues in the extra string blocks are gorgeous.
