Sunday, March 2, 2014

Steaming Ahead in Chester County.

 Good news I think for my results, although I won't know until the pathology results are back in a few weeks time but at least we are moving forward again. Many heartfelt thanks for your well-wishes. I'm sure it helps to have good wishes and prayers for a good outcome. DD is slowly recovering and my SIL is doing OK at the moment. Life can throw us challenges and we just have to meet them as best we can and move on with positive thoughts. I have been steaming ahead with more hand applique and have now completed 10 of my Chester County blocks. Sharon of Two Bits Patches has released 19 so far and I am quickly getting back on track with them and liking how they are looking.

I repeated this block as I thought they would look sufficiently different in the quilt. I will also make a duplicate of the block with the palm frond as I need to add some to make the quilt large enough. At least I think that was the plan. I may wait and see how many more blocks Sharon has for us before I make more duplicates. As you can see I still have "night shift brain" and not functioning at full capacity today.
 It's DH's birthday today and we are off to Melbourne to visit DD and go to my Melbourne quilt meeting tomorrow so I will probably take some hexagons to work on while we are away. I was wanting to work on more hand applique but I'm running out of time for prep work before we leave.
  I'm hoping to have more blocks to share very soon. Have a pieceful Sunday everyone.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. you will feel a lot better when you get your results and good to read you are all feeling well. have a lovely time in Melbourne, I have visited 3 times as my sister lives there but do not expect to go again, I no longer even have a passport. Love the applique pieces another technique I need to master
