Thursday, February 27, 2014

An Anxious Week.

 Our Youngest DD has been in hospital for surgery and it has been an anxious wait to hear if all was well. Today I have my 5 monthly check-up and my SIL also had her's this week. Sadly my SIL's check-up showed that her cancer has spread but it is slow-growing and we're hoping that I will have good news today.
  In the meantime I've been trying to distract myself by machine quilting my Mrs Williams quilt. I used a cardboard cut-out of a leaf shape to stitch around for some of the blocks,  and it was easier than marking the quilt and then removing the stitching guidelines.  I'm getting there and hope to have it finished in time.
 I've also been doing some mindless stitching on my 1.25 inch hexagon project and when I'm tired it is an easy and relaxing project to work on. Yes I do sleep Sharon, especially when I'm working nights. I'm back on nights again tonight so hope to have some more mindless stitching to share soon if I can stay awake long enough before I go to work again.
My Elizabeth's Legacy quilt is still a top and I need/want to have it finished to be shown with the other quilters' interpretation of this quilt at our Melbourne quilt Exhibition the first weekend of April. I have a few more small borders to stitch and then there are larger borders to add. Of course I haven't stitched them yet so they will be on the machine as soon as I finished with Mrs Williams. Wish me luck!
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. so sorry to read about the three of you and your illnesses, I will say a prayer for you all and hope for good news for you today. Trust you get your piece finished for the show in melbourne

  2. Jan, love to you all and thinking of you. XXX

  3. Best wishes to you and your loved ones!
