Tuesday, January 14, 2014

We're Having a Heat Wave!

Yesterday it was 40 degrees (104F) and today it was 44 (111F) in the shade. It's predicted that the heat wave will continue for at least a week so stitching will be worked around what is possible to work on in the air conditioning. I worked last night and only managed 3 hours sleep today so I'm very grateful that I'm not working tonight as well.
I sat and stitched my 3rd block for this current quilt project. I think I'll call this one "Heart's Desire" and I'm loving working with these colours. I have 2 more hand appliqued blocks to make and then 4 more hand pieced blocks with the black fabric as a highlight. The next block is prepped and I plan to stitch that one tonight until I can't stay awake any longer- probably not long!

 Here's the 3 blocks so far. I'm happy with my colour choices so far.
 I got up early yesterday and pin basted my Mrs Williams quilt before it became too hot. I pin baste on a table tennis table in our shed and as it isn't insulated the temperatures rise very quickly. By the time I was finished I was starting to drip on the quilt but I did get it done.

It's too hot to quilt it now, even in front of the air conditioning but i'll get it started as soon as it cools a bit, or when I'm not so tired. In the meantime I have plenty of hand stitching to keep my occupied.
Many thanks for all your very kind comments about my progress and thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Hi, Back in NZ at present and watching some of the Austrailian Open matches. HOW do they manage to play in such heat???? Hope you sleep weel tonight. Linda

  2. Hi Linda, I hope you aren't having such extremes of weather in NZ. Sleep has been a bit elusive with this contiunous heat so I'm hoping the coll change arrives on Sat as promised. Hugs, jan

  3. No extremes here. Very pleasant sunny days although we are getting a few south westerly winds which suddenly blow up so we have to come indoors instead of reading in the shade.
